SoCal ETC logo

We are the Southern California Education, Tourism, & Cultural Organization. And our focus is cultural tourism.

Our mission is to serve as a focal point for identifying and promoting opportunities for residents and visitors to expand their understanding and appreciation of the world. We foster and facilitate positive experiences through the arts, the humanities, adventure, and the wide array of destinations and cultures within the region. We produce events and activities to help further education, information, and experiences

Cultural tourism brings people together to experience different cultures, educational activities, and artistic endeavors

We approach cultural tourism through
•    Exhibitions
•    Seminars
•    Panel discussions
•    Master classes
•    Tours and cultural travel
•    Cultural preservation activities
•    Student/Teacher exchanges

With the objectives of
•    Improving cross-cultural understanding
•    Interpreting and preserving cultural resources
•    Fostering mutual understanding
•    Promoting friendly and peaceful relations
•    Supporting the U.S. Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961

Contributions are welcome and tax-deductible

*Please note that contributions to the Southern California Education, Tourism, & Cultural Organization are tax-deductible as charitable donations. Sponsorships and Partnerships are tax-deductible to the extent they exceed the value of listed services provided. Sponsorships and Partnerships may, however, be deducted as ordinary business expenses. As with any tax matter, please consult a trusted expert for advice.

Board of Directors

Scott F. Gray, Ed.D., chair

Katherine Gray, president

Jenny Senior, secretary/treasurer

Wm. David Jones, director

Stephani Lopez, director and co-chair Advisory Board

Jerry Marlowe, director

Southern California Education, Tourism, & Cultural Organization
Contact us

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